File Manager

The File Manager module is designed to work with the file system via the web interface. Using the file manager, you can perform the most common operations on files, for example, viewing, changing settings, copying, moving, deleting, archiving and unpacking, downloading and uploading from a computer to a server, and vice versa.

Also, you have the opportunity to work with archives as with regular directories. If you have problems with this, make sure that the appropriate software is installed on your server and that the archive format matches its extension.

To navigate the file system, you need to double-click on the name of the folder you want to enter. Its contents will appear in front of you. To return to the previous level, use the "Back" button in the toolbar.

View files and folders


  • Name - the name of the file or folder with an indication of the type.
  • Size - the size of the file or folder (in bytes).
  • Permissions - additional file parameters (for example, a checkbox that means that a file or directory should not be added to the archive when backing up).
  • Owner - the name of the owner of the control panel.
  • Group - the group to which the given file or folder belongs.
  • Modified date - the date when the file or folder was last modified.

View file content

To view or change the contents of the file, select the required line in the list and click the "Change" button.

The maximum size of the edited file is 256 KiB. When you open log files with the extension .log, .log.gz, the last 50 log lines are loaded into the editor in read-only mode.

To open a file in the required encoding, select the required encoding in the appropriate field.

Attention! When you change the encoding, the contents of the file will be loaded into the text editor again (recoded in the specified encoding), and all unsaved changes made in the editor before choosing the encoding will be lost!

By ticking "Hidden characters" you can enable marking of service characters, such as spaces, tabs, line breaks.

The set of hot keys used is switched in the "Keyboard" field. Available modes:

Ace - "classic" keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, etc.)
Vim is a vim-style editing mode with support for main mode, visual mode, insert mode, etc. For unix gurus.
Emacs - emacs style basic keyboard shortcuts support.
A quick reference for Ace mode hotkeys:

By ticking "Hidden characters" you can enable marking of service characters, such as spaces, tabs, line breaks.

The set of hot keys used is switched in the "Keyboard" field. Available modes:

Ace - "classic" keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, etc.)
Vim is a vim-style editing mode with support for main mode, visual mode, insert mode, etc. For unix gurus.
Emacs - emacs style basic keyboard shortcuts support.
A quick reference for Ace mode hotkeys:

By ticking "Hidden characters" you can enable marking of service characters, such as spaces, tabs, line breaks.

The set of hot keys used is switched in the "Keyboard" field. Available modes:

Ace - "classic" keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, etc.)
Vim is a vim-style editing mode with support for main mode, visual mode, insert mode, etc. For unix gurus.
Emacs - emacs style basic keyboard shortcuts support.
A quick reference for Ace mode hotkeys:






Convert to lower case



Convert to higher case

Shift+(Up Down Left Right Home End PgUp PgDown)

Shift+(Up Down Left Right Home End PgUp PgDown)

Select text



Select all text



Copy selection






Search further



Search backward



Find and replace (as a rule, the Ctrl + R key combination is intercepted by the browser)



Find and replace everywhere

Alt+L, Ctrl+F1

Command+Option+L, Command+F1

Fold selection text

Alt+Shift+L, Ctrl+Shift+F1

Command+Option+Shift+L, Command+Shift+F1

Unfold selection text

Left, Right, Up, Down, Home, End, PgUp, PgDown

Ctrl+B, Ctrl+F, Ctrl+P, Ctrl+N, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+E, Option+PageUp, Option+PageDown

Moving through the text


Command+End, Command+Down

Move to the end of the text



Move to the beginning of the text



Move to the line with the specified number



Go to pair parenthesis



Move word left



Move word right



Insert indent (for selected text too)



Remove indent (for selected text too)



Record Macro



Play Macro



Move lines down



Move lines up



Switching the insert / overwrite mode



Cancel changes

Ctrl+Shift+Z, Ctrl+Y

Command+Shift+Z, Command+Y

Revert changes



Delete line



Delete text from cursor position to end of line



Delete text from beginning of line to cursor position


Option+Backspace, Ctrl+Option+Backspace

Delete word to the left of cursor



Delete word to the right of cursor



Comment out / uncomment the line / selected text (works in C / C ++, C #, etc.)

Change file or directory settings

To change the attributes of a file or folder, select it in the list (you can select several files or folders using Ctrl), press the "Attributes" button and fill in the form fields:

  • Name - the name of the file or directory.
  • Owner - select the user for this file or folder. This field is only available at the server administrator level.
  • Group - select the group this file or folder belongs to. This field is only available at the server administrator level.
  • Access rights - specify the access rights to the file in the form of an octal mask, or specify the access rights in the fields below.

Attention. The "Access Rights" field is defining, i.e. the file permissions will be set exactly as indicated in this field in the form of an octal mask. The groups of checkboxes "Owner rights", "Group rights", "All others rights" are auxiliary, i.e. are intended only for "visual" change of the access mask. To change the access mask, with each click on the above checkboxes, a request to the panel is made to recalculate the value of the octal mask. When the value of the octal mask is changed, the request to the panel and the change in the checkbox values ​​are performed when the input focus is lost by the "Access rights" field (by pressing the Tab key or clicking on another field).

The execution rights for the directory and for the file are different. Therefore, if you set execution rights for a directory, they will not apply to child directories.

  • Owner rights are users who have the same UID (unique identifier) as the user who owns the file or folder.
  • Group rights - users belonging to the group that owns the file or folder.
  • The rights of everyone else are users who do not fall into the two previous categories.
  • Modify Children - Choose how to apply the changes to the children of the selected directory (s).

There are also three modes of accessing a file or folder:

  • Read - view the contents of a file or get a list of files in a folder.
  • Write - change the contents of a file or create and delete files in a folder.
  • Execute - permission to run the file. The execution attribute of a folder designates access to its contents. Unlike the right to read, in this case it is impossible to get a list of files in this folder.

  • 156 Users Found This Useful
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