Creating a Mail Domain

Mail domain is a collection of mailboxes linked by one domain name. Each mailbox has an email address in the form "<mailbox name> @ <domain name>". For example, "[email protected]".

To add a mail domain to ISPmanager:

  1. Go to Domains → Mail Domains → Create.
  2. Specify the Name of the mail domain.
  3. Select the Owner who will own the mail domain.
  4. Select the IP address from which emails will be sent. Or select "get automatically" to create a mail domain on the most vacant IP address.
  5. Select Default Action. This action is performed by the mail server if a letter has come to a mailbox that does not exist on the mail domain:
    • Error message - the sender of the message will receive an error that the mailbox does not exist;
    • Ignore and delete - the sender of the message will receive an error that the mailbox does not exist. In this case, the letter will be accepted by the mail server and deleted;
    • Redirect to address - the message will be sent to the email specified in the Redirect to field;
    • Redirecting will not work if you specify a mailbox alias in the Redirect to field.
  6. Redirect to domain - the mail server will try to find a mailbox in the mail domain specified in the Redirect to field.Turn on the additional options you want. They are available only if the corresponding module is installed. For more information, see the article Installing a mail server. To configure DMARC for a mail domain, enable the Enable DMARC for domain check box. This mechanism sets the policy for checking incoming mail in the domain. If you enable this option, a TXT resource record will be created for the domain name of the mail domain. For more information, see the article Creating domain zone resource records. The value of this record is formed in accordance with the template. The template can be changed in Domains → Domain names → Settings → DMARC record. For more information, see the article Installing and configuring a DNS server.
    • Enable Greylisting - anti-spam mail filter. If the option is activated, then Greylisting can be enabled for domain mailboxes. Otherwise, the mail domain is added to / <postfix directory> / postgrey_whitelist_clients;
    • Enable SpamAssassin - an anti-spam mail filter. If the option is activated, then SpamAssassin can be enabled for domain mailboxes. Otherwise, the mail domain is added to / <spamassassin directory> /;
    • Enable virus scanning - ClamAv anti-virus to scan mail;
    • Enable DKIM for Domain is a technology designed to protect mailboxes from phishing. Allows you to verify that the email was actually sent from the specified email address. Configure DKIM parameters: specify the DKIM selector; select the Length of the DKIM key. If you enable this option, a TXT resource record will be created for the domain name of the mail domain. For more information, see the article Creating domain zone resource records. The name of this entry is "dkim._domainkey. <Mail domain name>."; value - "v = DKIM1; k = rsa; s = email; p = <public DKIM key>".
  7. To secure data transmitted by mail, enable the Secure connection (SSL) option. SSL protocol is used for secure data transmission and encryption. This requires a certificate for the mail domain. Configure secure connection parameters: Click Ok.
    • Provide an Alias ​​for the certificate. The default is "mail. <Mail domain name>".
    • Choose a method for creating an SSL certificate. It is used to encrypt data between the mail client and the server. "New Self-Signed" is a free untrusted certificate. If used for public servers, the connection will not be considered secure. "New Let's Encrypt Certificate" is a free trusted certificate. This method is available only if the Let's Encrypt integration is configured. For more information, see the article Integrating ISPmanager with Let’s Encrypt. For more information about certificates, see the article SSL certificates.
    • Enter Email - the email address of the contact person.

When adding a mail domain, a domain name is automatically created for it. For more information, see the article Create a domain name.

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