Create FTP user

An FTP user is needed to upload or download files to the server via ISPmanager. It only has access to the directory specified when it was created.

To create an FTP user:

  1. Go to Accounts → FTP Users → Create.
  2. Specify the Name that is used to access the FTP server as a login.
  3. Select FTP User Owner. The field is not available at the ISPmanager user level.
  4. Specify the Password for logging into the FTP server and its Confirmation. Use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, special characters (such as @,?,%). Then the password will be better protected from hacking.
  5. Specify the Home Directory of the FTP user. The directory is relative to the owner's home directory. For example, if the owner's home directory is "/ var / www / user / data" and for the FTP user it is "/ ftp", then the FTP user will have access to the directory "/ var / www / user / data / ftp" ...
  6. Click Ok.
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