Database creation

Database (DB) - a unified repository of textual information of the site. The database stores information in the form of interconnected tables. The SQL query language is used to interact with information from tables. The information added through the CMS is recorded in the database and then displayed on the site. Thus, the administrator interacts with the database and not with the original site files.

To create a database:

  1. Go to Tools → Databases → Create.
  2. Specify the Database Name.
  3. Select the Owner who will own the database.
  4. Select the Database Server that will manage the database.
  5. Select the Encoding of the data in the database. Encoding defines the character set for representing data. We recommend using "utf8" as it is universal.
  6. Select the User who will work with the database. Or select "Create a new user" and specify a Username, Password and Confirmation for it.
  7. In order for the user to have access to the database from other servers, enable the Remote access option. Specify the List of IP addresses from which access will be allowed. The option is available only if the Remote access option is enabled for the selected database server. 
  8. Click Ok.
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