How do I create a child theme in WordPress?

Child theme is a feature available in WordPress. A child theme allows you to make changes without affecting the main theme. In other words, it is useful if you need a test environment for any changes you make to your site, since your main theme will not be affected by these changes.

A child WordPress theme is a theme that extends the functionality of another theme, called a parent theme, and allows you to modify or add functionality to the parent theme.

It is very easy to create a child theme. Create a folder, put a properly written style.css file in it and the child theme is ready! With a little understanding of HTML and CSS, you can change this very simple child theme - by changing the look and layout of the parent theme, but not changing its files. This way, when the parent theme is updated, your changes are saved.

The child theme is hosted in its own folder inside wp-content / themes.

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