Domain Name Creation

Domain Name System (DNS) is a mechanism designed to search the host's domain name for its IP address and vice versa, as well as other information contained in resource records. For more information, see the article Creating domain zone resource records. Domain name is a set of characters that is assigned to a specific IP address.

ISPmanager can work as a primary DNS server (master).

To create a domain name:

  1. Go to Domains → Domain names → Create.
  2. When working under an administrator account, the option Owners are administrators is available. Turn it on if the domain name is created by the control panel not for users, or select the Owner who will own the domain name.
  3. Enter the Domain Name.
  4. Provide IP addresses that match the domain name. Indicated in the resource A-records of the domain zone.
  5. Specify the Name Servers managing the domain zone. Indicated in the resource NS records of the domain zone.
  6. If you need to create a WWW-domain for the domain name, specify the Local IP-addresses on which web servers accept requests to the domain's web pages and enable the Create WWW-domain option. The WWW domain is required so that visitors can access the domain's web pages using browsers. For more information, see the article Creating a WWW Domain.
  7. If you plan to create mailboxes in the domain, enable the Create mail domain option.
  8. Click Ok.


ISPmanager checks for a domain name in the list of banned names: Domains → Reserved names. If the domain is on the banned list, it will not be created.

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