Used software

We adhere to a policy of honesty and transparency. You will not find unlimited tariffs with us, because it is physically impossible. Can you imagine a hard drive with unlimited space? We - no, there is always a limit. No empty sky-high promises and hidden clauses. We are also always ready to answer any questions about us and our services.

Servers for client sites:
Processor: Intel Silver 4114 (10x2.2 GHz HT)
Drives: 4 × 480 GB SSD.

Shared hosting
Operating system: CloudLinux 7
ISPManager: last version (update automatically)
LiteSpeed: 7.1
Web Server: Nginx 1.12.2 and Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4.6
MySQL: 5.5.52 / 5.6 / 5.7
PHP: 7.2 / 7.1 / 7 / 5.6 / 5.5 / 5.4
Perl: 5.16
Python: 2.7.5
Git version: 2.21
PostgreSQL: 9.2.23

Shared hosting support:

  • Git
  • Midnight commander
  • ionCube loader
  • Zend Guard Loader and Zend Optimize
  • CGI
  • DDoS protection
  • Antispam and antivirus for mail
  • Managing scheduled tasks (cron)
  • Access to logs and SSH
  • SSL certificate support

More information on the page "Shared hosting"

Any additional questions? - Ask them to us. And also check out the technical restrictions on shared hosting.

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